Wow...I haven't posted since November?!?!?
So much has happened since then!
We found out in late December that we're having a girl, Parker. We had the big ultrasound in January, which showed that she had some fluid in her kidneys. Not that big of a deal, but enough to warrant follow up ultrasounds.
Troy and I went to Florida for vacation in March, and the day we came back, I came down with a nasty case of the stomach flu, which landed me in the hospital for a few days. That was ohhhh so much fun! After that, I had a follow up ultrasound, which showed that Miss Parker not only still had some fluid on her kidneys, but that she's small for her gestational age. I was ordered to start taking protein supplements(yay for Boost shakes) and to rest as much as possible while still working. At that time(mid-March) she was weighing only 2 pounds, 8 ounces.
On March 27th, after working a bit too hard at work that week, I started having contractions. I was sent home to rest...and was told that I was about 50% effaced! Already! Very scary and shocking!
The next day, the contractions had not stopped, so I was sent to labor and delivery to be monitored. I was given some nubain(a narcotic pain reliever mostly used during labor) to see if that would stop the contractions, and it did for the most part. I was told that I had an "irritable uterus" and was put on modified bed rest. Meaning, I could get up and sit on the couch and do projects and such, but mostly to stay down.
I was allowed to go to my baby shower hosted by my mom and family on April 5th, and it was SO much fun! Troy and I traveled down to Roanoke for it, and stayed the night at the Hotel Roanoke. We had a blast.
I had a doctor's appt this week, and we talked about me going back to work. The contractions had gotten much more sporadic, and I was feeling better. We decided to wait until after my next follow up ultrasound, but my plan was to return to work next Wednesday, the 16th.
Troy and I ran around a TON on Thursday before lamaze class, and right before we went in, I started having painful contractions. They lasted all evening, and I was really starting to get worried, so I put in a call to my doctor.
Yay for another trip to labor and delivery! NOT! I spent the night there Thursday night as they tried to get the contractions to stop. They thought maybe I was dehydrated, so I got some IV fluids. Then I got some more Nubain, and even that didn't make the contractions stop!
I finally got a nice cocktail of Demoral and Phenergan to make me pass out around 4 am, and I stayed drugged for the day. That combination was able to stop the contractions, and we left the hospital around 7am.
So...long story short, I'm back on bed rest for at least another 2 weeks. Doctor's plan is to get me to 34 weeks(I'm 32 right now) and then let me do as I please. If I were to have Parker now, she would spend a considerable amount of time in the NICU. At 34 weeks, she'd probably still stay in the NICU, but not as long. If I can make it to 36 weeks, we think she'll be just fine.
So...hopefully I'll be better about updating this here for the next few weeks! I certainly don't have much else to do!
We have another baby shower next weekend, as long as I get the go-ahead for that one.