Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bridal Show Fun

I really should've brought my camera for the fun(madness) that was had today. We gots tons of business cards, flyers and brochures. Had some yummy cake and spreads and dips, and I even won a 100 dollar gift certificate for a wedding planner. Too bad I already have one for free!!! It was fun though, though there were a lot of undesireables there....if you know what I mean. I did get a cool "Bride to Be" heart shaped pin, and free Godiva chocolate. Can't beat that. And I know that if for some reason, ANY one of my vendors doesn't work out, I have about 432 other backups.

We also had our engagement photos taken on Saturday evening at the beach in Sandbridge. I so cannot wait to see them. Becca was our photographer, and as soon as she has her site up and running, I'll link her. She's doing some color, some black and white and some a mix of the two. Can't wait!!!!

That's about it on the wedding front right now. Very overwhelmed with school right I think I'll sign off with a plea for luck wishes for my big Cardiac final on Tuesday. Ciao!