Yay for me. Yet another blog. Another place to gush about my boring life. No fear, I will post more soon, and enlighten your lives even further.
I have a ginormous final on Tuesday, so that's my excuse. Then I'll be visiting family up yonder in the Midwest for Thanksgiving....ANNNNND then I'll be back for more school, work, and posting on here! Yippee!!!
Actually, I'm in a pretty shitty mood tonight. The S.O. and I had a huge fight tonight. Things were said that were probably not meant, at least, until the anger subsides, then we won't mean the harsh things we said. I don't know if our relationship is salvagable at this point. It's one of those situations where my life will turn to shit if I don't stay...even though it's for the best that we go our seperate ways, emotionally. Needless to say, I'm torn. I do love him. I just don't know if that's enough to save what's going on. We're not happy. I admit that I could be trying harder, but after so many failed-this-one-is-the-one-relationships, I don't think I have much energy to try much harder. Not to mention that I'm getting older, and more stubborn about who I am, as I find out more who I am. To quote Coldplay: "Nobody said it was easy...it's such shame for us to part..."
And now I'm off to review some more, sip some calming tea, and attempt to sleep.
Home Improvement For Bedrooms
3 years ago
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