It started off as an ordinary Friday, I suppose. All the schools were delayed, so Troy took me to work. The morning passed by pretty quickly...probably because I only have to work a half day on Fridays, so only 5 hours are spent in the hell hole. I'm a nanny/housekeeper. Or in other words, I'm the resident bitch. When nobody's home, I wash all the laundry, clean the entire 3 floor house. When the kids are home, I color. I paint. I break up fights. I get hit. Whatever bitch work needs to be done in the house, I do it. Which brings me to Friday afternoon.
My boss was late coming home, as always on Fridays, which are convieniently paydays. I leave at 12:45, she waltzes in around 1. Earlier that morning, as in around 9:00 AM, I swept the kitchen floor like I do every morning after I cleaned the kitchen. I'm talking cleaned as in took the range apart and cleaned it with stainless steel stuff--same with the refridgerator, dishwasher, ovens, and microwave. Then scrubbed each of the 4 kids' placemats and dried them. There's more, but that stuff's the most exciting, if you can call it that. Anywho...the mom and kids walked in. The 6 year old girl sits down at a barstool and starts playing with this strange popsicle stick creation. The mom says, "Oh yeah, Mary Clarke, we need to finish that manger this afternoon. Where's the peanut?". I stop dead in my tracks. Peanut? Oh no. When I swept the floor this morning, I had swept up a peanut that was under the barstools. At the time, I thought it was a little strange. One whole peanut just sitting there. So I threw it in the trash.
I turn to the two of them and say, "Uh oh."
The mom looks at me, shocked and tells me: "The peanut we're looking for is Baby Jesus."
I say: "I think I threw Baby Jesus in the trash."
The end of this story concludes with my dumb ass digging through two full bags of trash looking for Baby Jesus, because their rich asses can't take 5 minutes to run to the store to buy a friggin' peanut. I should've said screw Baby Jesus...but I'm such a good nanny. Although I can't be that good if I threw Baby Jesus in the garbage, I suppose. Sheesh...what was I thinking??
Last night, Troy and I went to his annual Christmas party at the Omni hotel. It was interesting, to say the least.
Open bar, appetizers, huge dinner buffet, what more could you ask for? Shiiiiiiit, they were even playing my jams!
<----Me rocking out to "Golddigger" by Kayne West
There was one girl dressed up so much...she was wearing a ball gown...with lace and chiffon. Complete with elbow length gloves. Her ensemble would've been even better if she hadn't been the size of the Stay-Puffd marshmallow man. There was a black guy wearing a red long sleeved shirt and a sleeveless white suit. Oh, so much fun. Each table got to take home a poinsettia, there was one person picked per table. We had ours, still in the center of the table, when this huge black guy, who was a guest of someone else, came up, said Merry Christmas and snatched our poinsettia. I just looked at Troy. Whatever, we decided. By the end of the night, that guy had at least 20 poinsettias and a wreath he had nabbed from the ballroom.
All in all, it was a fun time. I was just happy to get dressed up for something. And I got to dance, and that made me happy. Now I get to spend the rest of my weekend writing a 4 page paper, working on an oral presentation, a visual aid, and studying for a quiz. Oh, and Troy won't let me sleep tonight until the office is cleaned. Yippee.
Home Improvement For Bedrooms
3 years ago
What do you mean he won't let you go to bed until the office is clean? That's crazy! Please tell me you both split the housework like a normal couple and not a 50s couple like my parents. Not to mention that since you're going to school and working, and he's just working, he should be doing more of the housework. That's just my opinion though, you don't have to run your household that way. That's just how we run ours. If Troy reads this, he's going to hate me....haha!
That picture of you at the Christmas party is pretty! You look classy in the red dress and red reminds me of a 40s style. Maybe even 20s. Awesome!
Thanks dude.
The only reason why he goes apeshit over the office is because he takes care of the entire house, while the office is my domain. He never comes in here, but it always looks like a tornado ripped through it. I honestly spend more of my time in here than in any other room...except for my bed. ;-)
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