Sunday, June 04, 2006


Well...only one more week of work until I'm a free bird. Free, that is, until two week later, when I start hell--oops--I mean, school full time. I have my CPR certification class on Thursday(9 hours long!), and then Friday's my last day!!! Whoopee!

I plan to fill my days with copious amounts of Gilmore Girls--I bought the two newest season DVDs on sale just for this reason--and sleep...and I guess some cleaning and gardening. Oh yeah, and some reading. I wish I could wedding related stuff, but that requires large amounts of money. Poo.

Kim's coming up the week before I start back at school. Hopefully we'll make to more than just one bridal store--don't ask me why, other than because it's fun, I guess. I'm going to take her to show her the dress I picked out. By the way, both of my dresses I had in reserve sold on eBay, so that made me happy. I can't wait til Kim'll be my last hurrah until I graduate!

Troy also bought me IRL tickets for the Richmond race that same weekend. I'm sure that'll be a GREAT time as well. I haven't been to an IRL race since I lived in Indiana, which was a looong time ago.

Hope everyone's doing well!