So work has finally gotten to the point where I'm getting stressed. For some reason that I can't explain, I guess I just never thought it would get stressful. I love my job, don't get me wrong. I know I'm still new there and all, but I'm just completely overwhelmed. There's too much to do, and not enough time, even though I stay late after everyone has left, every single day. I never take a lunch break.
But anyway. Enough about work.
Everything else is just, unsettling right now. I'm going through one of those phases again I guess where I'm plain un-content, if that's a word. Nothing feels right. I'm unhappy about my weight(I had lost some, then packed it back on with work freaking me out), unhappy about our house and the state it's in, just unhappy, I guess.
Troy and I have talked about moving...not anytime real soon, but back to where I went to high school. Housing is much cheaper there than it is here, and the schools are far better. It's just a big change...and Troy is from this side of the state. I would worry he'd be miserable over there. But I worry that I'll be miserable staying here. I'm not now, but I can see the potential to be.
I guess I really shouldn't complain. Things are pretty decent right now. I should be happy about that and forget about the rest. I guess that's just how life goes though. Always going through phases of crap.
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