I can't believe I never got into Christmas music this year. Seriously, I think I listened to my Gene Autry CD once, when I was decorating the tree, and that was it. It's not that I'm not in the spirit, it just isn't grabbing me for some reason this year. Maybe next year when Parker's older and has learned how to cover her ears to block the sound of my singing.
I keep trying to get up and do laundry today. Laundry is so BORING. You wash the same clothes over and over again, and fold them, hang them up just to wear them, toss them in a basket and do it all over again. If, let's say, I was folding laundry and I pulled a new top or pair of pants out everytime I reached in the dryer, now, that would be worth it! Laundry is oddly rewarding though...when I actually have the time/energy/desire/no life to fold them and put them away, I feel so accomplished. I feel like a grown-up. If I were good at math, I would figure out how much it costs with water/electricity to run the machines so I could put a price tag on that feeling.
Oh, and I must mention how giddy I get when Parker actually naps in her crib. Most days, she'll sleep on my lap. I never really thought much about breaking that habit when she was younger, because I was happy to have her sleep on me, and just happy that she was sleeping! Now, I ache, I yearn, I crave alone time. I love her, and I love spending every minute of my day with her, but it's nice to have 10, 30 minutes, even an hour of alone time to just do whatever I want, without checking on her, feeding her, entertaining her, just thinking about her. I'm sure that sounds cold, but if you're a mom, you'll understand that. Some days, if it's early enough, I'll lay down and rest too. I find on those days, she only sleeps 30 minutes, tops. On the days I stay up and say I'm going to "do stuff", she'll sleep for an hour or two.
Today, I've clipped three papers worth of coupons, folded a load of laundry (yes, LAUNDRY), and sat on the computer, lol. Well, I did tidy the living room a bit. I'd love to de-grease myself in the shower, but she wakes up if you turn it on during the day.
Ah, freedom.
This week will be crazy. Monday, I have a photo shoot for a co-worker in the evening. I also have Zumba class tomorrow morning. Tuesday, I have a wedding that I'm taking pictures of. Wednesday, we're going to Troy's family Christmas Extravaganza. Thursday, we're here, alone. Maybe some Chinese food will be involved. Friday/Saturday, headed to good ole Botetourt for Christmas with my family. Whew. Makes me crave a glass of wine just thinking about it.
Home Improvement For Bedrooms
3 years ago
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